Thursday, February 24, 2011

Isaiah 41:10

"Do not be afraid for I am with you; do not be discouraged for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, yes,
I will help you, I will lift you up with My victorious right hand."

These words bring comfort in times of need.  They tell you that trusting in God doesn't have to be as heard as we make it to be.  Our flesh like wants get in the way of our spiritual needs, and this verse tell us that we don't need to be afraid of letting those wants go.  There are plenty of things that get i the way of our spiritual lives, things that give us a sense of isolated protection, things that are like a security blanket against other things that make us uncomfortable.  What this verse says, is that God will give us everything we need to be able to do anything. (just like Philippians 4:13)  The problem is, we let other things get in the way.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I will be going on a vacation with the family to Orlando, Florida for a week starting tomorrow.  So I might not be posting as often as I would like if not at all, it depends on if I have access to the internet.  But from this point on, this blog is mostly for stories and other things of that sort which I will be putting up sometime after I get back. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011


Wouldn't life just be easier to be able to say "Enough, I can't stand  by and watch you go through this anymore!"?  I got a text form my friend saying her friend was in a car crash today, and she's been through a lot already.  My other friend's life is taking a bad turn and down hill, her and her mom don't know how to communicate and hardly ever get along anymore.  I haven't talked to her since last month, finally finding out that she's grounded for the month because she was talking back and giving attitude.  All I want to do is scream "Enough, I'm sick of watching this!".  Feeling hopeless in situations like this is beginning to be more than I can bear, and I'm getting sick of it.

Funny Picture of the Day!

Isn't this adorable!?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I get it!....Whaaat?

Tonight I was told that if you set up two worm holes on a pool table with a two second set back, and you shoot the ball into one hole (positioned exactly right of course) the ball would never come out of the other hole.  In fact, it would have never gone into the first hole in the first place because of the two second set back...or something of that sort...either way my brain hurts and it won't stop now -.-

Funny Picture of the Day!

(Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)
Oh Ed...ha ha

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

(Ōran Kōkō Hosuto Kurabu)
(Ouran High School Host Club)

Tamaki's Corner of Woe...he goes there a lot...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Book of the week!

I've read this book twice as well as "Anna of Byzantium".  Read about Gladys Aylward (Ale-word) and her journey from living a working class life in Edmonton, London to Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, China and becoming an inspirational Missionary, a trusting friend, and a loving Mother to over 94 orphans during the Japanese invasion.  So, we thank you Gladys Aylward for everything you did in your lifetime and for inspiring so many other people with your life story.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Website Recommendation!

Hey everybody!

Check out this website my dad has:, he makes his own web comic called "Z&G" that stand for Zombie & Ghost.  Check it out and see what amazing things it holds!

Funny Picture of the Day!

You know, because he's so short and all...*Edward tackles me*


Me: I'm sorry!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

I sat at the computer and laughed till I cried at this picture...yes, it's that funny.