Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Problems; Plural

I feel unreasonably sad lately. I can't pin point exactly why, but it's just lingering there. I'm slipping back. I dread waking up in the morning and having to face the day. I have problems I suppose. No, I'm not suicidal or anything. But, it's really weighing me down. *sigh* I'm not myself right now.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Blutrausch War

The sun finally rose as I watched from my spot in the grass. I hadn't slept a wink the entire night. The ocean breeze filling my nostrils with its salty sting as the water and sea foam crashed against the cliffside. I sat up stretching my arms to the sky. My mind had been racing to fast for me to sleep. The recent events that took place have been a mystery to all but the king and myself. I knew why it happened, but it's the cause that confused me.

Why would the king allow such a slaughter if he knew what the crowd was saying was true? Why take the lives of so many people if their requests were of good reason?

"Alaois, we must start moving before someone finds us here." my trusted colleague Katsuo spoke while standing up to stretch his newly woken muscles.

"Where are we headed?" Kotori asked while strapping a sack to one of the horses.

"West, to Caput." I stood.

"Caput? But, we have a price on our heads there." Katsuo paused.

"I have something to discuss with the Prince. Plus, a threat this big is a challenge too tempting to pass up. "

Katsuo shook his head and smiled. "Can't pass up anything can you?"

"Of course not. It's as if a freshly baked drumple is sitting right in front of me waiting to be devoured. It would be a shame to pass up the opportunity.

All three men laughed as they mounted their horses and bounded off toward the last city they knew would welcome their arrival.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Somewhere in the Middle

Wish I could set myself free from these burdens, but I still feel responsible for you. Sad isn't it?