Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If Only

If only...
The whole world could sing for one Agape Love
So that we would all have a lullaby for
Our hearts to hear.

If only...
We could embrace one another in Agape Love
Anywhere we went
Then there wouldn't be broken souls.

If only...
This world could see His song
So there would be no more dying hearts.

If only...
This world could hold Agape Love
Before their souls are gone.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Song of Prayer

Sing me a song of prayer
As I weep for them
These days grow darker
Because the rain threatens to fall
Nothing can erase these scars
As I think back to our yesterdays

I'm sorry I did not tell you sooner
And now you are so far away
The words have left my lips
My eyes fill with tears
As you sing my song of prayer

Life is like a mist in the wind
So fragile it breaks with the
Slightest touch
We smile as we live normally
Until the day comes when
They are gone, and we left
Them alone

Sing my song of prayer once more
For old time's sake
In hopes that in the future
No more hearts will break

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Book of The Week!

This weeks book is "God's Smuggler",  it's about Brother Andrew and his journey from a soldier letting himself fall further and further into a chaotic life to becoming a soldier for Christ in the battle of evangelism.  Read about how he manged to smuggle Bibles into communist countries without being detected and how he live behind the Iron Curtain.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A New Beginning

So, another day I feel anxious to do something active, yet, I did nothing of the sort.  Sad really, but I just can't think of anything to do.  But within the past weeks I've come to a realization that I am, in fact, a wallflower. I tried to convince myself, as well as other people, that I wasn't when in reality I really am.  I've been living in my comfort zone for far too long and I think it's time to take a breath, close my eyes, and take that first step out into the open.  I know that so many people have tried to be friends with me, but because of a past of mistakes and hurt, I  really didn't care. All I wanted was to be left alone in my own little world of impossible dreams, and numbness.  It's something I've grown tired of and I'm ready to run the race.  So now I'm proud to say "Hello world, It's Mia and I'm ready to take on anything God has put in my path!  So bring it on!"

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Well, I guess I haven't been keeping up with my blog as I had hoped.  But in my defense I was busy with craziness. ANYWAY! I do have a book for you guys even if it's not Sunday! yaaay!

A lot of people know Eric as the Scottish athlete who won gold in the  Paris Olympics 1924.  But not many people know about his mission life In China after that.  He was an honest, hard working, strong Christian man.  He gave much more than he had expected to receive and never tried to put the spotlight on himself even with all the fame his athletic talent gave him.  reading about Eric makes you reflect on your own life and think about how you have been or how you can use your talents to honor God before anything else.