Sunday, June 12, 2011

A New Beginning

So, another day I feel anxious to do something active, yet, I did nothing of the sort.  Sad really, but I just can't think of anything to do.  But within the past weeks I've come to a realization that I am, in fact, a wallflower. I tried to convince myself, as well as other people, that I wasn't when in reality I really am.  I've been living in my comfort zone for far too long and I think it's time to take a breath, close my eyes, and take that first step out into the open.  I know that so many people have tried to be friends with me, but because of a past of mistakes and hurt, I  really didn't care. All I wanted was to be left alone in my own little world of impossible dreams, and numbness.  It's something I've grown tired of and I'm ready to run the race.  So now I'm proud to say "Hello world, It's Mia and I'm ready to take on anything God has put in my path!  So bring it on!"

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