Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Need to Grow Up

Well, read something my mom put on Facebook. And can't help but feel part of it refers to me. Even if it wasn't, I still feel that way. This always happens. I have been afraid to grow up, I'm almost an adult and I still can't drive. How sad is that right? Well, I guess it's time for me to start now. So, even if I'm still a kid at heart I'll start trying to grow up. Even if it is scary.

Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I feel stuck....again. I don't know exactly what God wants for me yet. But it would be nice to have a record deal in his plans. Why would I have such strong Wants for this in particular? Maybe it's because I want to prove I can be better than I am right now. I can force myself not to be a shy, awkward person. That's how I feel sometimes. I stumble over my words and I can't get the knowledge out that I want people to see. Is God telling me to wait? Am I being selfish? Am I being a burden on people with how I'm living my life? I can't drive yet. Does that annoy or anger my parents? These questions always pop in my head. It drives me crazy. Why can't I be brave enough to take big steps like other people? Why am I always stuck?!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Starting Over

Recently I have started over in many things in my life. One way is inspired by a book I'm reading, "Practicing His Presence", where I will be trying my very best to think of God and have him on my mine at least one second every minute. It's hard, but for starters I always bring my mind back to Him as as often as I possibly can remember. It's like playing THE GAME. (yea, you just lost). I hope that plenty of you attempt to do the same. I was somewhat successful the other day, and I felt an amazing joy and peace come over me all that day. So I will continue to arrive harder for God in my life.