Thursday, July 19, 2012

Modesty is Just so Hard to Find

As I'm searching google for an idea on the kind of sundresses I would want when I go shopping, the line from the Jonas Brothers song "Love Bug" pops into my head: "You're beautiful and you don't even try. Modesty is just so hard to find".

Yes, I found some pictures of very cute modest dresses, but the problem is 1: they are really really expensive (it makes my wallet cry) or 2: I just won't find that style in the stores.

It makes me wonder what our fashion media has come to. (or whatever you call it). Who said it was pretty to show so much skin? Why are we girls expected to wear these types of clothes? It doesn't REALLY show any REAL beauty. It just shows that lots of girls want to draw attention to their bodies, not their beautiful personalities.

We're not chunks of meat ladies, there are tons of godly young men who would love to get to know you, but they have such a hard time looking past the very few pieces of fabric to the actual personality of the girl, that they would just rather not try.

"Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way." (Romans 14:13 NKJV)

Wearing clothing that is too tight, short, low and other such things does just what God tells us not to do.

I'd really really like to find a simple, cute, modest sundress or any type of clothing that's not gonna cause another to stumble. I've pretty much resorted to wearing baggy shorts and big t-shirts because I can never find anything. So please, think about the values of others when you get dressed in the morning. And you just might make someone's day a little easier.

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