Sunday, July 1, 2012

Satan's Arrows

So I went to youth camp for the first time in my life last week. I have never felt closer to God in my entire life. It felt so amazing to be in an all Christian environment, and not having to worry about the outside world for a little while. God did amazing work in my entire youth group (even of some didn't show it like others did). Healing is finally starting in the lives of us who were hurting.

But now that we're back home, Satan is trying his hardest to get us back in his grasp. Someone told me that when Satan attacks you, that means you're doing something right. He's working on every one of us, and we can feel it. But we just have to be like Job from the Bible, he had everything taken away from him by Satan who was trying tear him away from God. But he still kept his faith focused and strong.

I WILL NOT LET HIM DRAG ME DOWN AGAIN. Not again. I have felt free for the first time in my seventeen years, with four of them spent hating myself. I'm finally happy, I finally have joy in my heart like all these other Christians had described. I'm not gonna lose this.

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