Friday, July 20, 2012

None Offensive? Or Just Too Easily Accepted?

Alright. Here's the dreaded subject. Homosexuality. Yes, I said it. The word that has people so fired up for pride or in total disgust. Now, MY views on it...

Now this is nothing against any specific person, nor is it meant to be a hate post. It's just something that I've had swimming around in my head for a long time, and I just want to "express my feelings" on the subject.

Homosexuality is something I do not agree with. I find no exceptions to it, I see no use in it, and it makes me uncomfortable. But, I don't go hating people who are homosexual. I have a friend who is pansexual ( i guess thats what its called) and she's a fantastic person. But what I really find ANNOYING, is when the gay pride and such try to get people to "convert" I guess you would say into that type of person. Or when they get in your face about it, then expect to not have to deal with crap.

I just don't like the fact that they make such a big deal about it. If they don't want the problems that they get, don't be so...what's the word?..."prideful" about it. They want us to accept it and deal with it, but in all honesty, I think I've gotten more dirty looks, rejections, and strait out sucky reactions because of my faith than a lot of homosexuals have ever had because of their pride.

Christians are expected to be quiet and stay in our churches, And deal with nasty movies, posters, tv shows, billboards, and other such things. But, when we try to tell people about our beliefs, we are imprisoned, tortured, raped, laughed at, spit on, beaten, and killed.

The Bible says to hate the sin, but love the sinner. Now, I'm no perfect angel without sin and such ( good God, anyone who says that about themselves should be slapped, really hard, with a chair.) I am just as much a sinner as everyone else. So, don't go saying I'm acting holier than now. I'm just expressing my views on this. You're allowed to do it, so why couldn't I?

I think that marriage should be the same way it has been since creation, the way God made it, between man and woman. And I know if anyone sees this and they support gay rights they're gonna go all spider monkey on crack on me. But, in all honesty, I really don't care. If they are allowed to go have parades, holidays, special events, and such. I'm allowed to express my feelings on my own blog.

Now, if you are homosexual, and you are seeing this post, I really, truly, do not hate you. In fact, I think you are a great person and you have a beautiful personality. But, just because I love you, doesn't mean in gonna change my belief just to make you comfortable or feel better about what you're doing. If you were to come to me for advice or help, I would respond in a biblical way, and not just tell you what you want to hear just to try and get you to Christianity.

I'm not trying to sell my belief to anyone. I just try to reach out with a christian love and set and example through my actions. You probably won't want to hear it, but that's alright. At least I was able to talk to you. Even if it's just a little bit. ;)

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