Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello All!


 I'm sure you're wondering why this blog is called The Free Road.  Well, Free Road had been a name I came up with awhile ago while trying to think of a band name (that band never happened, it was one of my "sudden obsessions") and I was thinking of something that had the word "free" in it.  I wanted it to be welcoming, refreshing, and the word "freeway" kept popping into my head; but I didn't want that as a name so instead of "way" I thought of other words that have to do with going somewhere, traveling, being able to move forward, and I thought of "road".  I've made blogs before and none of them were that good, so I'm determined to get this one right and make it interesting for you readers (if there are any) and make people "want" to read my blog.  I'm set on doing something great in my life, even if God is the only one to know about it, and maybe this will help me start.

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