Sunday, January 9, 2011


Well, yesterday my Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shamballa movie came in, I had been waiting since last week.  When I saw the package on my bed I flipped out, I opened it and suddenly got the feeling to run around the house screaming "It's here! It's here! Woo hoo!", but I held back for the sake of the rest of my family's ears.  I got my chance to watch it that night, and I have to say that the ending...haha you thought I was going to tell you.  Anyway, I would recommend anyone to watch it if you are into anime (except I wouldn't recommend it for little kids because there is a little blood and gore), but you have to watch the first two seasons! (other wise you won't know what's going on), And I wouldn't start with the mangas, mainly because the seasons I am talking about don't follow the comics.  Now I have yet to wait for my next manga to get here as soon as it comes out on the 18th...*sigh*

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