Saturday, January 29, 2011


A few years ago I had the biggest dream of becoming a singer when I got older.  But not to long ago I came to realize that millions of other people had the exact same dream I did and all for different reasons except one, we all want to leave a mark on the world.  To make an impact, to be remembered;  but we don't need fame, money, and millions of fans to do that.  People do it all the time, even if it's not in our lives it's leaving an impact on someone else.  Missionaries do it everyday, millions of them risking their lives in the process; and some people are doing it for a neighbor or friend or someone they don't even know.  We don't all need a microphone and a big stage to be heard, or a big crowd cheering our name or posters all over some one's wall to be seen.  Even if it's the smallest thing, God always sees and that is the best way to be seen, heard, and appreciated.

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