Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"I'm Sorry"

Just one more moment, that’s all I needed, but time wouldn’t give in.  I begged and pleaded for one more moment, but when I got there it was too late.  The seconds it took to burst through the doors  it happened, the promise was sealed and it was my fault for letting go.

Looks of horror all facing me as my tears fell silently like rain in a lonely wood.  but my eyes only settled on one and one alone. As he slowly pulled her into his arms, never looking away from me; my heart felt like it had been pierced with an arrow and broken like glass.  that one moment I met her eyes, filled with fear and wonder, mine with tears and sorrow.

I whispered “I’m sorry” to that one special, loving person, and took my leave.  Hand shaking, tears falling, as I wandered aimlessly I found myself in out special spot; where memories were playing like a film right before my eyes.  i fell to my knees weeping.  Weeping as I had never wept before.

I knew what he was doing, that whole time he was with her.  But I never said anything because of the happiness felt there.  I caught him just a few days before now; but I could not break her heart, not when I was finally seeing her smile again.

Suddenly, the memory of two little girls giggling and playing together replayed in my head.

“Promise we will always look out for each other?”

“Promise.” I said shaking pinkies.

“I’m sorry sister...I’m so sorry for letting you fall into his trap, and now...I can never have you back...”


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