Friday, July 20, 2012

None Offensive? Or Just Too Easily Accepted?

Alright. Here's the dreaded subject. Homosexuality. Yes, I said it. The word that has people so fired up for pride or in total disgust. Now, MY views on it...

Now this is nothing against any specific person, nor is it meant to be a hate post. It's just something that I've had swimming around in my head for a long time, and I just want to "express my feelings" on the subject.

Homosexuality is something I do not agree with. I find no exceptions to it, I see no use in it, and it makes me uncomfortable. But, I don't go hating people who are homosexual. I have a friend who is pansexual ( i guess thats what its called) and she's a fantastic person. But what I really find ANNOYING, is when the gay pride and such try to get people to "convert" I guess you would say into that type of person. Or when they get in your face about it, then expect to not have to deal with crap.

I just don't like the fact that they make such a big deal about it. If they don't want the problems that they get, don't be so...what's the word?..."prideful" about it. They want us to accept it and deal with it, but in all honesty, I think I've gotten more dirty looks, rejections, and strait out sucky reactions because of my faith than a lot of homosexuals have ever had because of their pride.

Christians are expected to be quiet and stay in our churches, And deal with nasty movies, posters, tv shows, billboards, and other such things. But, when we try to tell people about our beliefs, we are imprisoned, tortured, raped, laughed at, spit on, beaten, and killed.

The Bible says to hate the sin, but love the sinner. Now, I'm no perfect angel without sin and such ( good God, anyone who says that about themselves should be slapped, really hard, with a chair.) I am just as much a sinner as everyone else. So, don't go saying I'm acting holier than now. I'm just expressing my views on this. You're allowed to do it, so why couldn't I?

I think that marriage should be the same way it has been since creation, the way God made it, between man and woman. And I know if anyone sees this and they support gay rights they're gonna go all spider monkey on crack on me. But, in all honesty, I really don't care. If they are allowed to go have parades, holidays, special events, and such. I'm allowed to express my feelings on my own blog.

Now, if you are homosexual, and you are seeing this post, I really, truly, do not hate you. In fact, I think you are a great person and you have a beautiful personality. But, just because I love you, doesn't mean in gonna change my belief just to make you comfortable or feel better about what you're doing. If you were to come to me for advice or help, I would respond in a biblical way, and not just tell you what you want to hear just to try and get you to Christianity.

I'm not trying to sell my belief to anyone. I just try to reach out with a christian love and set and example through my actions. You probably won't want to hear it, but that's alright. At least I was able to talk to you. Even if it's just a little bit. ;)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Modesty is Just so Hard to Find

As I'm searching google for an idea on the kind of sundresses I would want when I go shopping, the line from the Jonas Brothers song "Love Bug" pops into my head: "You're beautiful and you don't even try. Modesty is just so hard to find".

Yes, I found some pictures of very cute modest dresses, but the problem is 1: they are really really expensive (it makes my wallet cry) or 2: I just won't find that style in the stores.

It makes me wonder what our fashion media has come to. (or whatever you call it). Who said it was pretty to show so much skin? Why are we girls expected to wear these types of clothes? It doesn't REALLY show any REAL beauty. It just shows that lots of girls want to draw attention to their bodies, not their beautiful personalities.

We're not chunks of meat ladies, there are tons of godly young men who would love to get to know you, but they have such a hard time looking past the very few pieces of fabric to the actual personality of the girl, that they would just rather not try.

"Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way." (Romans 14:13 NKJV)

Wearing clothing that is too tight, short, low and other such things does just what God tells us not to do.

I'd really really like to find a simple, cute, modest sundress or any type of clothing that's not gonna cause another to stumble. I've pretty much resorted to wearing baggy shorts and big t-shirts because I can never find anything. So please, think about the values of others when you get dressed in the morning. And you just might make someone's day a little easier.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Inspirational Words of Wisdom

“Christ is building His kingdom with earth's broken things. Men want only the strong, the successful, the victorious, the unbroken, in building their kingdoms; but God is the God of the unsuccessful, of those who have failed. Heaven is filling with earth's broken lives, and there is no bruised reed that Christ cannot take and restore to glorious blessedness and beauty. He can take the life crushed by pain or sorrow and make it into a harp whose music shall be all praise. He can lift earth's saddest failure up to heaven's glory.”- J.R.Miller

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I've come to the realization of just how affective familiarities really are. They can be reminders of the happiest of memories, or, of the most painful. But either way, they are still a part of everyday life. They play a big role that not many people notice.

While at camp a week ago, I had rested my head on the shoulder of one of my friends. It felt so familiar, but I didn't know why. Then I remembered that I used to do that all the time with an old friend of mine. I was, just for a moment, taken back to a brief memory with her. But, as suddenly as it came, it left.

I was just left smiling a bit to myself. Though some things have changed between my old friend and I, I still have good memories to look back on. Because of familiarities.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Satan's Arrows

So I went to youth camp for the first time in my life last week. I have never felt closer to God in my entire life. It felt so amazing to be in an all Christian environment, and not having to worry about the outside world for a little while. God did amazing work in my entire youth group (even of some didn't show it like others did). Healing is finally starting in the lives of us who were hurting.

But now that we're back home, Satan is trying his hardest to get us back in his grasp. Someone told me that when Satan attacks you, that means you're doing something right. He's working on every one of us, and we can feel it. But we just have to be like Job from the Bible, he had everything taken away from him by Satan who was trying tear him away from God. But he still kept his faith focused and strong.

I WILL NOT LET HIM DRAG ME DOWN AGAIN. Not again. I have felt free for the first time in my seventeen years, with four of them spent hating myself. I'm finally happy, I finally have joy in my heart like all these other Christians had described. I'm not gonna lose this.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Need to Grow Up

Well, read something my mom put on Facebook. And can't help but feel part of it refers to me. Even if it wasn't, I still feel that way. This always happens. I have been afraid to grow up, I'm almost an adult and I still can't drive. How sad is that right? Well, I guess it's time for me to start now. So, even if I'm still a kid at heart I'll start trying to grow up. Even if it is scary.

Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I feel stuck....again. I don't know exactly what God wants for me yet. But it would be nice to have a record deal in his plans. Why would I have such strong Wants for this in particular? Maybe it's because I want to prove I can be better than I am right now. I can force myself not to be a shy, awkward person. That's how I feel sometimes. I stumble over my words and I can't get the knowledge out that I want people to see. Is God telling me to wait? Am I being selfish? Am I being a burden on people with how I'm living my life? I can't drive yet. Does that annoy or anger my parents? These questions always pop in my head. It drives me crazy. Why can't I be brave enough to take big steps like other people? Why am I always stuck?!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Starting Over

Recently I have started over in many things in my life. One way is inspired by a book I'm reading, "Practicing His Presence", where I will be trying my very best to think of God and have him on my mine at least one second every minute. It's hard, but for starters I always bring my mind back to Him as as often as I possibly can remember. It's like playing THE GAME. (yea, you just lost). I hope that plenty of you attempt to do the same. I was somewhat successful the other day, and I felt an amazing joy and peace come over me all that day. So I will continue to arrive harder for God in my life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Problems; Plural

I feel unreasonably sad lately. I can't pin point exactly why, but it's just lingering there. I'm slipping back. I dread waking up in the morning and having to face the day. I have problems I suppose. No, I'm not suicidal or anything. But, it's really weighing me down. *sigh* I'm not myself right now.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Blutrausch War

The sun finally rose as I watched from my spot in the grass. I hadn't slept a wink the entire night. The ocean breeze filling my nostrils with its salty sting as the water and sea foam crashed against the cliffside. I sat up stretching my arms to the sky. My mind had been racing to fast for me to sleep. The recent events that took place have been a mystery to all but the king and myself. I knew why it happened, but it's the cause that confused me.

Why would the king allow such a slaughter if he knew what the crowd was saying was true? Why take the lives of so many people if their requests were of good reason?

"Alaois, we must start moving before someone finds us here." my trusted colleague Katsuo spoke while standing up to stretch his newly woken muscles.

"Where are we headed?" Kotori asked while strapping a sack to one of the horses.

"West, to Caput." I stood.

"Caput? But, we have a price on our heads there." Katsuo paused.

"I have something to discuss with the Prince. Plus, a threat this big is a challenge too tempting to pass up. "

Katsuo shook his head and smiled. "Can't pass up anything can you?"

"Of course not. It's as if a freshly baked drumple is sitting right in front of me waiting to be devoured. It would be a shame to pass up the opportunity.

All three men laughed as they mounted their horses and bounded off toward the last city they knew would welcome their arrival.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Somewhere in the Middle

Wish I could set myself free from these burdens, but I still feel responsible for you. Sad isn't it?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Your Broken Sister

  Dear _____,

  I wish you could know the feeling I put into these words, the pain that I've felt over this period of time.  That I understand the torment welled up inside you like a knife tearing at your heart and soul.  I wish I could have given a better explanation as to why I made the decision I did, but we needed a clean cut if this was going to be less painful than it could have been.  Never mind you'll find someone like me, probably better, I wish nothing but the best for you.  I ask that you forget me, and that your greatest dreams come true; I in turn have hidden your memory deep within my heart.  I promised that I couldn't forget you even if I wanted to, remember?

   I can't even listen to our song anymore because the aching starts again and I wish it wasn't like that.  My explanation to making the decision was that my family comes first.  And I couldn't have a sisterhood with someone who will be against my family, that's not what family is.  I've hurt my family by doing that once before, and I've regretted it ever since.  You might see your side of the story as right, and I see my decision a responsible one because of that.  You have no idea how much it was eating away at me inside because of it, I was falling deeper into a depression and I couldn't do that over again.  I was crying every night thinking of you.  I cried because I had to end it over this, and I knew I would cause you so much pain.  What your family thinks of it does not matter in the slightest bit, because it was between you and I. 

  I only wish you could know the full story, but that's something you have to decipher on your own.  A sisterhood is something that leaves everlasting imprints, some good, some that scar.  When I think back on our sisterhood I only want to remember the good memories; the times we laughed, the times we smiled, the times we cried because we were so happy.  I want to be able to think of you and not have tears swell up in my eyes or an ache in my heart that won't go away.  I promised to always be there for you, and even though I can't be there physically I will not stop praying for you.  I think about you more than once a day, and it pains me to.  I don't want your memory to bring pain.  And I wish my memory would not bring pain to you, but I know it does.  And I know it feels like it's unbearable to hold that in your heart but time forgets...

  So, even if it hurts, pretend that it's nothing.  Even if tears fall, know how to hide them.  Placing it on one side of the heart, and knowing how to smile as if nothing is wrong.  My heart is growing dim again and many lingering attachments are pulling down.  It will probably be erased, it will become faint.  Even if I say I miss you, I can't ever see you.  Even if it hurts, I have to withstand it.  Only my welled up tears remember you, and there are so many traces of happiness.  To me, love is such a painful thing.

 Sometimes, I will think of you
Only good memories will exist...

Still Forever Loved By,
Your Broken Sister

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Silent Pain

  These eyes show everything you could possibly want to know. If only you would look closer at the lives of others and be able to take the time for them. Then maybe you'd see why I had to let go. You lay awake at night wondering why, but don't take the time to think. To everyone but you, it was the right choice. But I couldn't Jolson anymore, it was hurting too much, I was slipping again. Please understand why I had to say silent pain was something I could no longer bare so I let you go.