Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If Only

If only...
The whole world could sing for one Agape Love
So that we would all have a lullaby for
Our hearts to hear.

If only...
We could embrace one another in Agape Love
Anywhere we went
Then there wouldn't be broken souls.

If only...
This world could see His song
So there would be no more dying hearts.

If only...
This world could hold Agape Love
Before their souls are gone.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Song of Prayer

Sing me a song of prayer
As I weep for them
These days grow darker
Because the rain threatens to fall
Nothing can erase these scars
As I think back to our yesterdays

I'm sorry I did not tell you sooner
And now you are so far away
The words have left my lips
My eyes fill with tears
As you sing my song of prayer

Life is like a mist in the wind
So fragile it breaks with the
Slightest touch
We smile as we live normally
Until the day comes when
They are gone, and we left
Them alone

Sing my song of prayer once more
For old time's sake
In hopes that in the future
No more hearts will break

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Book of The Week!

This weeks book is "God's Smuggler",  it's about Brother Andrew and his journey from a soldier letting himself fall further and further into a chaotic life to becoming a soldier for Christ in the battle of evangelism.  Read about how he manged to smuggle Bibles into communist countries without being detected and how he live behind the Iron Curtain.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A New Beginning

So, another day I feel anxious to do something active, yet, I did nothing of the sort.  Sad really, but I just can't think of anything to do.  But within the past weeks I've come to a realization that I am, in fact, a wallflower. I tried to convince myself, as well as other people, that I wasn't when in reality I really am.  I've been living in my comfort zone for far too long and I think it's time to take a breath, close my eyes, and take that first step out into the open.  I know that so many people have tried to be friends with me, but because of a past of mistakes and hurt, I  really didn't care. All I wanted was to be left alone in my own little world of impossible dreams, and numbness.  It's something I've grown tired of and I'm ready to run the race.  So now I'm proud to say "Hello world, It's Mia and I'm ready to take on anything God has put in my path!  So bring it on!"

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Well, I guess I haven't been keeping up with my blog as I had hoped.  But in my defense I was busy with craziness. ANYWAY! I do have a book for you guys even if it's not Sunday! yaaay!

A lot of people know Eric as the Scottish athlete who won gold in the  Paris Olympics 1924.  But not many people know about his mission life In China after that.  He was an honest, hard working, strong Christian man.  He gave much more than he had expected to receive and never tried to put the spotlight on himself even with all the fame his athletic talent gave him.  reading about Eric makes you reflect on your own life and think about how you have been or how you can use your talents to honor God before anything else.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Life under Contruction

Kids my age are always going through things and having troubles.  Some of the many reason are because of absent parents, bad crowds, influences at school, celebrities ect. And many times over I've seen misunderstandings between child and parents, which doesn't help the situation.   You are probably wondering where I'm going with this, but it's something that's been swimming around in my mind for some time now.  As I watch teens rebel against their parents and parents getting frustrated and taking it out on the kids that are causing it, I wonder what the story is on both sides.  On one side, the teen could be going through something and feels like they can't tell the parent.  And on the other side the parent might be begging on the inside for the teen to open up to them but doesn't know how to show that.  I'm not trying to be an expert, but it's something I see all the time.  Rebelling kids is the message that is sent out in pretty much everything we watch, read, and listen to.  Being a kid myself I can't give advice because I myself am VERY inexperienced in MANY things, but I know that I can admit that to anyone and everyone.  A lot of kids my age won't do that, I've had friends tell me that they can't wait to move out of the house and be on their own and it breaks my heart to hear them say that. "Freedom" is what they want, but they don't realize just how much they need their parent's love and advice because they're too stubborn to admit that they can't do everything on their own.  Which leads to rebellion and leaves parents scratching their heads in frustration.  Again, this is just something that has been swimming around in my noggin and I wanted to try and bring the situation to light the best way I could.  But, as we live we see that our life is under construction in some way or another and God is the construction worker making His masterpiece, and this was just to help some realize it and to help them get back on their feet.   Just like it says in the book of Jeremiah 29:11:

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

To some this may just seem like another "religious freak's" blog who's trying to get you to go to church or something.  But I hope that, to at least one person, this blog and this entry helps in some way or another.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Book of The Week!

That's right, it's back!  The book of the week is going to be popping up every Sunday.  This book is a great one to have teenaged daughters read, it shows the struggles of the modern lure of independence in a feminist world for young women.  As you read about Margret Paget's life struggles and joyful moments the book give an over all warm feeling. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It All Ends 7.15!

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2! I can't wait for this to come out! Harry potter is one of my favorite series, and doesn't this poster just look amazing?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Did It For You

My soul cries for You
As I watch in horror
The disaster that falls upon
You, the world has seen
What can happen,yet
It does not acknowledge.

How could You
Carry the weight alone?
I watch has You struggle to
Stand back up.
My tears stain the dirt
As You hit the ground
Multiple times.
I watch as You,
And you alone,
Bear my evil.

My vision blurs as I hold
The hammer in the air,
And thrust it down.
How could I betray You
Like I have?
I watch as you cry out
To the Lord.

You look down on me with
Loving eyes, and cry

"It is finished!"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thousand Paper Cranes (千羽鶴, Senbadsuru)

I am making one thousand paper cranes in awareness for Japan with Bible verses on the wings. Ten down, nine hundred and ninety more to go.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saranghae (love)

 Love is like a never ending river
Flowing through the hearts and
Minds of each human being.
Of where does it come from?
It reaches out from the deepest
Part of the soul and swims
Outward to shine it's light.
Even the cruelest of people have
A love for something and
Can never hide it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Formula of the Heart and Soul

Hearts are what we take advantage of...
So many lives never realize...
That the one thing their bodies
Crave most, are what our reason
Of living is for.
Stones are what some people seek...
To find the answer to all that is weak...
Never forgetting past mistakes.
Never letting focus break.
And yet one never realizes,
That the one thing they search for holds much surprise.
Simple and clean is how they want it,
A Sanctuary is what the need...
But a heart can never fully be kept.
In a little glass box, dusty and serene.
People get hurt, to our disappointment.
"People die" they always say.
But the ones who've been between heaven and hell...
Are the ones who've lost their way.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Isaiah 41:10

"Do not be afraid for I am with you; do not be discouraged for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, yes,
I will help you, I will lift you up with My victorious right hand."

These words bring comfort in times of need.  They tell you that trusting in God doesn't have to be as heard as we make it to be.  Our flesh like wants get in the way of our spiritual needs, and this verse tell us that we don't need to be afraid of letting those wants go.  There are plenty of things that get i the way of our spiritual lives, things that give us a sense of isolated protection, things that are like a security blanket against other things that make us uncomfortable.  What this verse says, is that God will give us everything we need to be able to do anything. (just like Philippians 4:13)  The problem is, we let other things get in the way.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I will be going on a vacation with the family to Orlando, Florida for a week starting tomorrow.  So I might not be posting as often as I would like if not at all, it depends on if I have access to the internet.  But from this point on, this blog is mostly for stories and other things of that sort which I will be putting up sometime after I get back. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011


Wouldn't life just be easier to be able to say "Enough, I can't stand  by and watch you go through this anymore!"?  I got a text form my friend saying her friend was in a car crash today, and she's been through a lot already.  My other friend's life is taking a bad turn and down hill, her and her mom don't know how to communicate and hardly ever get along anymore.  I haven't talked to her since last month, finally finding out that she's grounded for the month because she was talking back and giving attitude.  All I want to do is scream "Enough, I'm sick of watching this!".  Feeling hopeless in situations like this is beginning to be more than I can bear, and I'm getting sick of it.

Funny Picture of the Day!

Isn't this adorable!?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I get it!....Whaaat?

Tonight I was told that if you set up two worm holes on a pool table with a two second set back, and you shoot the ball into one hole (positioned exactly right of course) the ball would never come out of the other hole.  In fact, it would have never gone into the first hole in the first place because of the two second set back...or something of that sort...either way my brain hurts and it won't stop now -.-

Funny Picture of the Day!

(Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)
Oh Ed...ha ha

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

(Ōran Kōkō Hosuto Kurabu)
(Ouran High School Host Club)

Tamaki's Corner of Woe...he goes there a lot...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Book of the week!

I've read this book twice as well as "Anna of Byzantium".  Read about Gladys Aylward (Ale-word) and her journey from living a working class life in Edmonton, London to Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, China and becoming an inspirational Missionary, a trusting friend, and a loving Mother to over 94 orphans during the Japanese invasion.  So, we thank you Gladys Aylward for everything you did in your lifetime and for inspiring so many other people with your life story.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Website Recommendation!

Hey everybody!

Check out this website my dad has: metaljawcomics.com, he makes his own web comic called "Z&G" that stand for Zombie & Ghost.  Check it out and see what amazing things it holds!

Funny Picture of the Day!

You know, because he's so short and all...*Edward tackles me*


Me: I'm sorry!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

I sat at the computer and laughed till I cried at this picture...yes, it's that funny.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

For anyone who doesn't get it, the guy who plays Sora is Haley Joel Osment.  He's the kid from "The Sixth Sense" by M.Night Shyamalan.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Book of the week!

This book is so good I'm reading it again.  It's Tracy Barrett's single person perspective on the life of Historical figure Anna Comnena, because of course we don't know every detail about her life during that time, it's considered a novel.  But it still captures the imagination of the reader as you follow Anna's life, how she was to become the heir to the throne and how it was all suddenly taken away.  Of course it is not entirely accurate, but it's still a book of great meaning and adventure.  Dive into the life of the Byzantine Royal Princess Anna Comnena and see what this story has in store.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


A few years ago I had the biggest dream of becoming a singer when I got older.  But not to long ago I came to realize that millions of other people had the exact same dream I did and all for different reasons except one, we all want to leave a mark on the world.  To make an impact, to be remembered;  but we don't need fame, money, and millions of fans to do that.  People do it all the time, even if it's not in our lives it's leaving an impact on someone else.  Missionaries do it everyday, millions of them risking their lives in the process; and some people are doing it for a neighbor or friend or someone they don't even know.  We don't all need a microphone and a big stage to be heard, or a big crowd cheering our name or posters all over some one's wall to be seen.  Even if it's the smallest thing, God always sees and that is the best way to be seen, heard, and appreciated.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Delicious Mini Pies!

I made these from some pumpkin pie mix and pie crust we had, I was in a baking mood so I just made mini pies since it was no special occasion and we weren't going to be sharing with tons of other people.  But it definitely made up for the failed pumpkin pie I made on Thanksgiving...that was horrible...anyway, I just used the regular pie crust mix, but put them in a cupcake pan.  Of course the directions on how long to bake is never accurate, so it could take a lot longer than eight minutes, it just all depends on the pie filling.  Let them cool and add a dab of cool whip on each of them and enjoy a little piece of thanksgiving at anytime of the year!

Funny Picture of the Day!

You're wrong! :) Sorry this was late, I didn't have as much time on Sunday as I had hoped to schedule the pics, but here it is!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

(Furūtsu Basuketto)

KAGURA:  When we were young...you asked me to become your wife.

Hence the picture ha ha ha! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Book of the week!

This book opens your eyes to how to use the gift of imagination.  Read about Little Sarah Crewe as she learns that using make believe can put a smile on anyone's face even in the worst of times; and that showing kindness toward others makes your life, as well as others, much better.  This book would be the perfect thing to bring you and your daughter or daughters together and enjoy some quality time, or to have some quiet reading by yourself.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Starting Sunday I will be scheduling the Funny Pics and Book of the Week.  So, now you won't be waiting for the next one to come out even if I don't have a story/poem, or what ever else I post.  And I'm sorry for making you wait! *bows multiple times*

Friday, January 21, 2011

As of Late

I'm sorry I haven't published anything as of late. I've been busy, very busy, but I will be scheduling funny pictures, and books of the week so that I have at least something new for you all to read! Please be patient while I get these things out!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!


Book of the week!

A great book of Anne Frank and her journey from being a normal thirteen year old girl to going into hiding from the Nazi take over in Amsterdam.  Anne dreamed of becoming an author, but this book right here is a imagination capturing story already!  I'm sure a  lot of you have read this in school but maybe you could read it again, because it's just that good!  This book opened up the eyes of millions of people to the hardships people went through in different countries during World War II.  I hope that you will read or reread this book because you fill appreciate even the littlest thing much more after; and I'm sure that is the kind of print Anne Frank would have wanted to leave behind in this world of suffering. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

(Furūtsu Basuketto)
Yuki's thoughts "Doesn't he know it's not polite to point?"

Kyo's thoughts "Die die die!!"

What Kyo is actually saying "Suck dirt and die Yuki!"

Not much difference is there? lol

Sorry this one is late.  Didn't have time set aside for this, but I will be setting a certain time to set these out every day along with the book of the week. ^.^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Book of the week!

Here is the book of the week!  I know it's a little late, I kind of lost track of the date he he.  I love the old time homey feel I get when I read this book.  This is a book that anyone would love to read as you laugh and cry along with Margret, Joe, Beth, and Amy in their heart swelling family ties and adventures in their very own little theatre in the attic.

Funny Picture of the Day!

One of Fullmetal Alchemist's best moments. ^.^

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Funny Picture of the Day!

*sigh* so true...^.^

"I'm Sorry"

Just one more moment, that’s all I needed, but time wouldn’t give in.  I begged and pleaded for one more moment, but when I got there it was too late.  The seconds it took to burst through the doors  it happened, the promise was sealed and it was my fault for letting go.

Looks of horror all facing me as my tears fell silently like rain in a lonely wood.  but my eyes only settled on one and one alone. As he slowly pulled her into his arms, never looking away from me; my heart felt like it had been pierced with an arrow and broken like glass.  that one moment I met her eyes, filled with fear and wonder, mine with tears and sorrow.

I whispered “I’m sorry” to that one special, loving person, and took my leave.  Hand shaking, tears falling, as I wandered aimlessly I found myself in out special spot; where memories were playing like a film right before my eyes.  i fell to my knees weeping.  Weeping as I had never wept before.

I knew what he was doing, that whole time he was with her.  But I never said anything because of the happiness felt there.  I caught him just a few days before now; but I could not break her heart, not when I was finally seeing her smile again.

Suddenly, the memory of two little girls giggling and playing together replayed in my head.

“Promise we will always look out for each other?”

“Promise.” I said shaking pinkies.

“I’m sorry sister...I’m so sorry for letting you fall into his trap, and now...I can never have you back...”


Monday, January 10, 2011

The Cursed Stomach Virus

Yes, it has come, a little late, but it has come...the stomach virus! Dun Duun DUUN!  First the babies, then Dad, and now the youngest little sister. *sigh* When will this nightmare end?! If you're wondering why I'm so upset about this it's because this virus always seems to come around the same time every year, even if it's to just one person, it always finds it's way into our home...I'm telling you, it's eeviilll...Evil I say!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"When You Let the Devil Win" (rough draft)

  In the midnight hour you lay bed
Waiting for the moment to turn red
Suddenly you see him there
knowing that you feel despair
You take his hand and when
You look down, you see the blood red
Wedding gown.

 You sit there like a doll of cloth
As he twirls you round and round.
Every step burns your feet,
Every touch pierces skin and makes
You bleed.

 Round and round the room will spin
Each wall bearing every sin.
You cry as your make up runs,
Making black streaks on once pail skin.
Finally he turns to you and says,
"This is what happens when you let the devil win."

- M

 I was listening to Flyleaf when I wrote this and this poem popped in my head,  (I get into different moods in writing whether I feel like that emotion or not, which will explain later writings that could be sad, angry, or dark like this one in some way).


Well, yesterday my Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shamballa movie came in, I had been waiting since last week.  When I saw the package on my bed I flipped out, I opened it and suddenly got the feeling to run around the house screaming "It's here! It's here! Woo hoo!", but I held back for the sake of the rest of my family's ears.  I got my chance to watch it that night, and I have to say that the ending...haha you thought I was going to tell you.  Anyway, I would recommend anyone to watch it if you are into anime (except I wouldn't recommend it for little kids because there is a little blood and gore), but you have to watch the first two seasons! (other wise you won't know what's going on), And I wouldn't start with the mangas, mainly because the seasons I am talking about don't follow the comics.  Now I have yet to wait for my next manga to get here as soon as it comes out on the 18th...*sigh*

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Book of the week!

I just finished a book called "Nightmare Academy" by Frank Peretti. This is the second book the the Veritas series, the first one being "Hang Man's Curse".  I would highly recommend  this book, though it's aimed more toward teens, I'm sure adults have enjoyed this book just as much.  
As you can tell, I like anime...heh heh

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello All!


 I'm sure you're wondering why this blog is called The Free Road.  Well, Free Road had been a name I came up with awhile ago while trying to think of a band name (that band never happened, it was one of my "sudden obsessions") and I was thinking of something that had the word "free" in it.  I wanted it to be welcoming, refreshing, and the word "freeway" kept popping into my head; but I didn't want that as a name so instead of "way" I thought of other words that have to do with going somewhere, traveling, being able to move forward, and I thought of "road".  I've made blogs before and none of them were that good, so I'm determined to get this one right and make it interesting for you readers (if there are any) and make people "want" to read my blog.  I'm set on doing something great in my life, even if God is the only one to know about it, and maybe this will help me start.